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How to display FTA certificate of origin in three-party tran

Time:2020-10-28 16:49

Hello! At present, our company has a contract with an Austrian company, and then an Austrian company has a contract with an Australian company. Now the shipment is directly transported from China to Australia. Australian customers now require the certificate of origin of China Australia FTA, and we entrust the freight forwarder to handle it, However, there is a problem. In the first column, the name of the company issuing the certificate, the name of our manufacturer in the second column, and the name of the Austrian company in the fifth column? Because after all, the contract was signed by them and the invoice was issued to the Australian customer.


Yes, the second column of the China Australia FTA certificate of origin can display the information of the actual domestic manufacturer, and the fifth column of the remarks column can show the consignor of the bill of lading Austria company.

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