Current Position:Home > Certificate Of Origin>Must Indonesia form e be produced by the manufacturer since

Must Indonesia form e be produced by the manufacturer since

Time:2019-08-15 11:00

It is said that the form e certificate of origin for export to Indonesia in August must be issued by the manufacturer, and the form e certificate issued by the trader will be regarded as invalid. If the Indonesian customs does not approve it, it will be treated as invalid. It is equivalent to that the form e certificate of origin cannot be used and can not enjoy the tariff preference. Therefore, it is necessary to pay 10% more customs duties Does e certificate of origin have this regulation? Is there any official website document?


No such notification has yet been received. Since August, we have produced many copies of form e certificates of origin to Indonesia. Customers have no problems when they take them for use. They can normally clear customs and reduce customs duties. Form e is issued by traders. And can be very responsible to tell you, as long as traders in the customs can smoothly sign out Indonesia form E certificate of origin, there will be no phenomenon of disapproval, because this is the duty of the customs staff. Even if it can not be used one day, our customs will issue a written notice in advance and will not give a visa. This is the summary of 8 years' working experience in this industry.

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