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Correct interpretation and use of certificate of origin "Wo

EDIT TIMES:2017-11-10 12:33
&Many enterprises do not know the difference between the "Wo" and "WP" in the standard of origin when they apply for the certificate of origin of free trade agreement, which eventually leads to that they can not correctly choose whether to obtain the certificate of origin completely or not;(full production) will affect the efficiency of enterprises applying for certificate of origin, and even affect customers' customs clearance and delivery.

&In order to apply for a preferential certificate of origin in the inspection and quarantine authorities, the goods exported to the member countries of the free trade zone must comply with the rules of origin in the relevant free trade agreements, and enjoy the preferential tariff reduction and exemption in the importing country with the preferential certificate of origin. According to the rules of origin, products can be divided into two categories: completely original products and products containing non original ingredients. According to the rules of origin of eight free trade agreements between China and New Zealand, Peru, Costa Rica, Iceland, Switzerland, South Korea, Australia, and the framework agreement on economic cooperation across the Taiwan Strait, the two criteria of "fully obtained" and "fully produced" are applicable to products of complete origin.

&Full acquisition refers to the growth, harvest, capture and exploitation of the export products in the territory and seabed of a country, or the processing and manufacturing of the raw materials naturally produced by the country in that country. At this time, the origin standard shall be declared as "Wo & rdquo;. Therefore, generally speaking, "Wo" is applicable to natural products and their primary processing products. &"Full production" refers to that the export products are produced with raw materials that have been fully processed and have obtained the domestic origin qualification. At this time, the origin standard should be declared as "WP & rdquo;. &"WP & rdquo; is generally applicable to products whose raw materials and parts cannot be directly traced back to natural raw materials. For example, when applying for the certificate of origin of China's FTA, the standard of origin should be & quot; Wo & quot;. If the exported products are clothing products, they can no longer be directly traced back to natural raw materials. At this time, the origin standard is & quot; WP & quot;.

&However, the customs of importing country may refuse to accept the certificate of origin or return the certificate, which will bring unnecessary losses to the enterprise. In order to improve the efficiency of enterprises applying for certificate of origin, ensure the smooth customs clearance of goods in the importing country and enjoy the preferential tariff reduction and exemption, it is necessary to correctly understand the rules of origin and correctly select & quot; Wo & quot; and & quot; WP & quot;.

&The above contents can be summarized as two points:
&If the export product has not been processed, fill in & quot; Wo & quot;
&If the export product has been processed, fill in the "WP & rdquo;

&The wo described on some websites is not completely original, and WP is not completely original. This is a wrong understanding.
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