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We are the exporter and the goods are being exported to Vietnam. The bill of lading has already been made, and the shipper on the bill of lading is our company. The importer requires us to apply for a Form E certificate of origin. Due to various reasons, ......
Hello, Mr. Xiao, there is a question that you need to ask for advice: it is exported to Vietnam FORM E certificate of origin. Our company has the right to import and export, and the factory has also made product record. But we haven't registered the certi......
We're looking for an agent to issue the form e certificate of origin in Qingdao, but it's very slow to issue the certificate every time, and the shipping time for exporting to Indonesia is short. We haven't made the form e certificate of origin every time......
Just talked about a new customer. The guest is from Tunisia. Now the customer said that if he wants to visit the factory in China, he needs to apply for a business invitation from the government. He said that he needs to submit an invitation letter to the......
Hello, I'd like to inquire about it. Our company is preparing to do form e certificate of origin in Indonesia, but our source of goods is from domestic trading companies. The trading companies can't do the product pre qualification now. Finally, we can't ......
Why do we go to the customs to apply for the certificate of origin, which needs to be filed by the factory? If the factory does not file the product, it will be rejected and returned. If the factory finds an agent to issue the certificate of origin, it do......
Our company has applied for a form a certificate of origin, and now it has been rejected. The reason for returning the certificate is that the factory has not filed with the customs. However, now the factory is not willing to cooperate with us to file, so......
We'd like to ask you to handle Indonesian certificate of origin form E. we'd like to ask you to handle the order of Fe as the shipper of bill of lading. The title of invoice and packing list is mainly because Indonesia's shipping time is too short, and no......
Our company first applied for the certificate of origin. This time we have to handle the Indonesian FORM E certificate of origin. Our company has registered and passed the Internet plus customs. However, when the application for FORM E is not approved, th......
Recently, there are two high containers of goods to be exported to Indonesia. Since our company has no right to import and export, we can only pay for the export. But yesterday, the guest told me that we need the certificate of origin form E. if so, can w......
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